Monday, February 13, 2012

What Can God Do With You?

   In Joshua 2, when the Israelites entered into the promised land of Canaan Joshua sends 2 spies into the city of Jericho to spy out the city. It is interesting to note that 40 years earlier 12 spies entered into the land and only 2 came back with a favorable report and the trust in God. Now, Joshua sends only 2 spies into the land. When the spies enter Jericho the king finds out the spies had entered his city. He goes to find them but they are hiding in the house of a citizen of the city. Her name is Rahab and she is a prostitute. Rahab hides these men on the roof of her house and lies to the kings men in order to try to save the spies’ lives. 
Rahab then confesses her belief in God and His power to the spies and asks for a guarantee of safety for her and her family when Israel destroys the city. The spies agree and Rahab and her family is saved when Jericho is destroyed. 
Rahab is later integrated into the Israelite nation and become one of God’s chosen people. She marries a man named Salmon and has a child named Boaz. He later marries Ruth and their child is Obed. He is the father of Jesse who is the father of David. The same David who becomes king of Israel and through whom Jesus Christ comes into the world many years later. 
If God will bring His one and only Son into the world through the lineage of a prostitute what do you think God would be able to do with you? No matter your past or present situation in life, God can use you. When you become a child of God, as Rahab did, He will be able to do wonderful works through your life. Whatever circumstances you may find yourself in, remember Rahab and ask yourself, “What can God do with me?”

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