Monday, February 20, 2012

T= R + D

Have you ever put your trust in someone to perhaps keep a promise but they didn’t? Maybe you have trusted someone to do what was right but they didn’t? So often we seem to be misplacing our trust. Perhaps it’s simply because the people we place our trust in are unreliable? Maybe that’s is just that; they are people. People are unreliable because “ for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). If we are unable to put our trust in people then who should we trust in?
Caleb was one of the 12 spies sent into the land of Canaan to see what it was like when Israel first came to the promised land (Numbers 13:1-16). However, only he and Joshua came back with a good report that said, “The land is good and we have God on our side. He has promised it to us. We can take it!” Caleb and Joshua trusted in God to keep His promises and deliver them. As a result, God blessed Caleb and allowed him to enter the promise land and blesses him immensely (Joshua 14:6-15). 
Caleb put his trust in a reliable source: God. Only in God should we put our trust because only God is able to give us life. When we put our trust in the only reliable One, He will bless us with an immense blessing. 

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